How to Encourage a Sensitive Person: 15 Simple Ways

how to encourage a sensitive person

As we know, each person requires different forms of encouragement. When dealing with the sensitive type, it’s important to keep things simple.

Sensitive people don’t usually take well to complex movers and shakers. It’s one of the most frustrating things if someone is too sensitive.

You mean well with your words but they take it to heart. They fret and they go through a rough patch worrying about what you meant.

It gets draining, doesn’t it? Well, here are some simple ways that will teach you how to encourage a sensitive person and make them less sensitive.

People who deal with being overly sensitive are often thought of as weak, or whiny. But they’re not. Being sensitive means feeling things more deeply than others — it’s a talent.

The most important thing, however, is that you learn how to encourage a sensitive person in the right way.

Do you have a sensitive friend or family member? Do they seem oversensitive to your feelings, critical, and get hurt easily? If yes, then there are some things you can do to encourage and uplift them.

Being sensitive is part of their temperament, but they can change if they know how to handle themselves better.

It can be difficult to come up with a way on how to encourage a sensitive person who is easily hurt by criticism.

There are some very clever, creative ways to accomplish this task. Here are some tips that will help any overly emotional person.

Simple Ways to Encourage a Sensitive Person

If you are having trouble figuring out how to encourage a sensitive person, first look at their personality type.

While people can’t change how they were born or their genetic makeup, they can work on their personality traits.

People who possess a personality trait that is considered “sensitive” may not act upon this trait constantly, but it is still a part of who they are.

It’s important if you want to encourage a sensitive person that you understand what it means to have this trait. Sensitive people are often also gentle, kind, and considerate.

They avoid conflict as much as possible and enjoy listening to others as well as speaking about their feelings. Sensitive people are often misunderstood by others.

There is a reason why people get labeled as sensitive. They are oversensitive to things like emotions, noise, sights, and even criticism.

This may be frustrating at times because they tend to overreact to things. But this personality trait could also make them compassionate, creative, and altruistic.

Find out simple ways to encourage a sensitive person.

1. Model thoughtful listening

If your partner/friend is sensitive and easily overwhelmed by emotions, they will appreciate your ability to listen deeply without judgment.

Give them time to share their thoughts and feelings without trying to fix anything right away — this gives them the space they need to process what’s going on inside of them without feeling rushed or pressured.

Sensitive people tend to be good listeners, so start by modeling the behavior you want them to adopt.

Instead of interrupting them or finishing their sentences for them, simply listen attentively and respectfully without judgment.

Sensitive people will appreciate your efforts at communication without feeling like they’re being attacked or judged.

2. Don’t offer unsolicited advice

If a sensitive person brings up something that’s bothering them, resist the urge to advise unless they specifically ask for it.

Instead, ask questions that help them explore their feelings and discover new insights on their own. You might say something like “Tell me more about what happened” or “What did it feel like?” or “How do you think this will affect our relationship?”.

If you’re a friend or family member of someone who’s easily hurt by criticism, it’s important not to offer unsolicited advice or criticism unless you’re asked for it directly.

Sensitive people often feel like they don’t measure up somehow when they’re around other people who don’t appear as sensitive as they do, so they might feel inferior rather than grateful for any help they receive from others when they need it most.

It’s better to ask directly if there’s something wrong before offering unsolicited advice.

3. Help them understand their feelings are valid

Sensitive people tend to overthink things because they care so much about what other people think of them.

They spend too much time analyzing their behavior instead of simply reacting naturally to situations in front of them.

When someone says or does something that hurts your friend’s feelings, explain that this is normal human behavior — even if it doesn’t seem right at first glance.

4. Encourage them to help others with their sensitive nature

Sensitive people are highly attuned to the feelings and emotions of others. They are often in touch with their own emotions and can easily sense when someone else is upset or sad.

If you have a friend or family member who is a sensitive person, encourage them to use this gift to help others.

For example, if your friend is having a bad day at work or school, they might be able to help cheer up another person who is feeling down.

This will not only make them feel better but it will also boost their confidence in themselves and their abilities.

5. Encourage them to find their inner strength and help them believe in themselves

Sensitive people need encouragement because they often lack confidence in themselves or doubt their abilities.

For example, they may be afraid of making mistakes or not being good enough at something because they have so much empathy for other people’s feelings that they don’t want to disappoint anyone or cause anyone any pain.

Some sensitive people lack self-confidence because they have never been given the chance to succeed at anything important or meaningful before.

They may not believe that they can accomplish anything worthwhile because of how other people have treated them in the past (either intentionally or unintentionally).

If this sounds like your loved one, then you need to encourage them by helping them discover their true potential and encouraging them every step of the way along with cheering for all of their accomplishments no matter how small they may seem at first glance.

How to Communicate With a Highly Sensitive Person

It’s not always easy talking to someone who doesn’t like conflict, often feels anxious and stressed, and gets rattled if things don’t happen their way.

But communicating with a highly sensitive person is possible when you know how to approach them. Communication with a highly sensitive person can be tricky.

If you have a highly sensitive person in your life, then you know that it can be hard to communicate with them. They take criticism to heart and find it difficult to connect to others.

Have you ever wondered about communication with a highly sensitive person? Do you sometimes feel there’s a communication breakdown? Are you aware that most sensitive people are misunderstood, from childhood, due to their sensitivity?

This can mean that you, as a sensitive person’s partner, boss, or coworker, don’t always understand him or her.

You’re not alone; many people are confused about how to communicate with a highly sensitive person.

We’ll be sharing simple ways that can help you communicate with a sensitive person and how to encourage a sensitive person to work on bringing out their best characteristics.

6. Be clear with your words

When you are communicating with a sensitive person, be very clear with your words. Use simple language and don’t use phrases like “you seem upset” or “I think you feel this way.”

This type of phrase can confuse a sensitive person because they often have a hard time knowing how they feel or what they think and saying this can make them feel like there is something wrong with them.

Instead, try saying something like, “When I see that look on your face, I wonder if you are upset.”

7. Be empathetic and ask a lot of questions

Sensitive people often feel alone in their emotions and experiences so it is important to listen when they are talking about what is going on in their lives.

Try asking open-ended questions like “What do you think?” or “How did that make you feel?”

These types of questions will allow them to open up more easily than if you were to ask yes or no questions such as “Didn’t you like the movie?” Or even worse: “Why didn’t you like the movie?”.

 Asking these types of closed-ended questions will not get the same type of response from a sensitive person as asking more open questions will do a lot.

8. Be aware of body language

Sensitive people are often very aware of body language, so try not to be too distracting.

Try not to fidget or play with your hair, for example, as this can make them feel uneasy.

 Also, note that sensitive people tend to read into things, so if you look at them in a certain way or say something in a particular tone of voice they may think that you’re angry with them when you’re not at all.

9. Take time to think before speaking

When talking to a sensitive person, give them time to process what you have said before asking questions and talking about other things.

If you feel like you need to finish what you were saying right away, try breaking up your sentence into parts so that they can digest it better one part at a time.

If you do this naturally it will come across as respectful instead of rude or pushy.

Sensitive people tend to analyze everything they hear or read, so they appreciate it when others take their time before speaking or acting on something.

It shows respect for their feelings and helps prevent misunderstandings from occurring.

For example, if a sensitive friend tells you about an experience they had, don’t jump in with your opinion right away; let them finish first before giving feedback on what they said so that they feel heard and understood by you as well as by others who may be listening in at the time of your conversation together.

10. Ignore the need to have all the answers

Sensitive people don’t want to be judged or criticized, so don’t try to fix them or point out their faults.

Instead, listen to what they’re saying and let them know that you understand what they’re going through.

How to Deal With a Highly Sensitive Person

Have you had problems dealing with a highly sensitive person and wondered how to encourage them? Well, wonder no more.

If someone you know is a highly sensitive person, you know how difficult it can be to communicate with them.

Sensitive people tend to overthink, they get stressed easily and they’re very emotional — all of which make it hard to understand what they’re trying to say.

Here I’ll explain how to deal with a highly sensitive person and how to encourage a sensitive person.  

Here are simple, useful ways to deal with a highly sensitive person.

11. Be patient with their emotions

Sensitive people don’t just feel things more deeply than others — they also tend to take longer than most people do to process their emotions once they’ve hit them.

This means that if they’re upset by something, they need time and space to deal with it independently before they can rejoin the group (whether that’s in a social situation or at work).

Don’t rush them back into interacting with others if they seem like they need some space first — let them come back when they’re ready.

12. Give gentle, honest feedback

Sensitive people are usually aware of their weaknesses and insecurities. They already know that they’re sensitive, but they don’t need you to remind them of it constantly.

Instead of pointing out every time they get upset or cry at something trivial, try offering gentle feedback instead.

Be kind when you give advice or criticism — even if it’s about something serious like their career choice or lifestyle habits.

13. Try not to take their rants personally

Highly sensitive people are often misunderstood and can be easily hurt by the words of others.

They don’t understand why they take things so personally, but they do.

If you’re having a conversation with a highly sensitive person and they get upset or angry, try not to take it personally.

They are very sensitive to everything around them and sometimes it’s hard for them to block out all the noise in their heads.

14. Stop talking when a highly sensitive person seems overwhelmed or upset

Sensitive people tend to overthink everything that is said or done, which means if something upsets them, they will ruminate on it for days or weeks at a time.

One way you can help your sensitive person is by stopping the conversation when they seem overwhelmed or upset and then coming back to it later when you know they are feeling calmer and more relaxed.

This will help prevent unnecessary arguments between the two of you because there was no closure during the initial discussion about whatever caused them stress in the first place.

Highly sensitive people tend to pick up on other people’s emotions very easily — even if those emotions aren’t directed at them personally.

This means that if someone is feeling down or upset, it’s easy for highly sensitive people to become overwhelmed by these feelings and start feeling the same way as well.

If you notice that a highly sensitive person is becoming upset in any way, try stopping what you’re doing and give them some space until they feel better again (this may mean leaving the room for a little bit).

You can also try asking if there’s anything specific bothering them — sometimes it’s easier for someone who’s been feeling emotional.

15. Value their opinion

Sensitive people are extremely observant and tend to notice details other people miss — which is why they’re so good at helping others see different perspectives on an issue or situation.

However, this can sometimes make them feel like no one appreciates their insight because everyone else seems to have it covered already.

Be sure to let them know that you value their opinion by asking for it often and thanking them for sharing it with others.

How to Encourage a Sensitive Person (FAQ)

Can trauma make you an empath?

Trauma can make you more empathetic, according to research by Dr. Stephen Joseph at the University of Warwick in England.

He found that people who had experienced trauma were more likely to be compassionate and understanding toward others’ suffering.

This is because when we see someone else in pain, it reminds us of our vulnerability and helps us empathize with them more easily.

Is it hard to date a sensitive person?

Dating a sensitive person isn’t easy — but it can be rewarding.

Sensitive people tend to have deep insights into other people’s emotions, so they can be great at helping others through tough times or giving advice on how to handle difficult situations.

But if you’re dating a sensitive person, here are some tips for making the relationship work:

Be honest about your feelings. Sensitive people want their partners to be open and honest about their feelings — even when those feelings are negative or uncomfortable ones like anger or resentment.

If you’re having a bad day or feeling overwhelmed by something at work, don’t keep it bottled up inside.

Let your partner know how you feel so they can provide support through the hard times together.

How do you comfort an empath?

The first step is to recognize that they are feeling things deeply — even if they don’t show it outwardly.

Then, let them know that you understand how they feel and why they feel it.

Empaths need to know that what they feel matters and that they aren’t alone in their feelings of sadness or anger or fear.

When you’re with a sensitive person, it can feel like you’re walking on eggshells. They’re fragile and easily hurt by the world around them.

They’re also hypersensitive to the feelings of others, so they’ll know if you’re upset or uncomfortable with something they did or said.

Final Thought

You can make someone feel like they’re inferior because they claim to be sensitive. Instead, appreciate that they are allowing you to see a side of them that not everyone gets.

Take up their offer to have an open and honest conversation, even if it feels awkward. Tell them that you consider them your friend.

Be as empathetic as you can when talking with a sensitive person. They will no doubt appreciate you a lot more for it.

Encouraging a sensitive person can be tough, but these 15 tips and ideas will help you get it right.

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