Something is exhilarating about having your crush feel the same way about you; it’s just amazing! But how would you know if you can’t tell the signs a boy likes you?
You wouldn’t want to start asking your friends about it. They could tease you mercilessly. Worst still, you can’t just ask him, that could be so embarrassing, especially if he doesn’t feel that way.
So, how do you know if a guy likes you secretly? Is he flirting with you, or is he just being a friend?
Well, I know how confusing understanding a guy’s thoughts or actions can be. Like they can be so complicated.
By the time you are done reading this article, I am sure you will be able to know. Here we go!
Undeniable Signs That He Likes You

Are you confused about a guy’s feelings for you? You are probably wondering how to decipher it, especially when you are crushing on him.
Well, actions speak louder than words. So what are his actions telling you?
Not to worry. Here are the undeniable signs that he likes you, and if you can recognize these signs in him, then he just might be attracted to you too.
1. He keeps his gaze on you always.
When we really like someone, we always want to keep them in our sights. We inadvertently stare so much at them every time they are around us.
So if you catch his gaze on you more than a few times, well girl, you’ve got an admirer on your hands.
He gives you intense, mind-numbing stares. If he looks at you slowly from head to toe, and he doesn’t mind if you actually catch him staring, he is probably interested.
2. He can’t stop touching you.
Just as his gaze can’t leave you, his hands too can’t keep still, especially if he is more than a stranger to you.
He’d probably tuck your hair behind your ears, brush off an invincible speck of dirt on your shoulder, or playfully pinch your cheeks or hold your hands at impromptu moments.
All just to get his hands on your person – in a totally non-creepy way, of course.
3. He doesn’t allow any barrier between you two when you sit together.
If he deliberately leaves a chair, newspaper, or blockade between both of you, it’s one of the signs that he doesn’t like you.
But if he does eliminate any barrier between you too when you sit together, that shows interest.
4. He compliments you a lot.
He’s usually one of the first to notice a change in your looks. He would compliment your smile, clothes, and brains; everything about you seems to get him excited.
The bottom line, he’s great for your ego. If he is always putting you down or making you feel bad about yourself, girl, you need to move on.
5. His smiles get bigger whenever you come around.
When someone likes you, your presence excites him, and you will see it in how his eyes light up or how big his smiles get when you come around.
Even if he seemed subdued or bored, he would usually get animated once you are close to him.
6. He is always interested in things that you like.
If he is always asking ‘seemingly’ countless questions about your likes and dislikes, or taking note of how you want your coffee or pizza.
Hey girl, you are in his sights for real. Naturally, guys, even the most observant ones, wouldn’t care about those little details about you if they didn’t care for you.
7. He treats you in a special way and pays attention to what you say.
If he acts differently with you compared to how he treats his friends or other girls, he is probably taken with you.
He always pays attention to what you say or do. No matter how long it takes, he will avidly listen till you are done.
You may notice this when he reminds you about something you said in passing or something you didn’t think he would remember.
8. He is protective by unconsciously mimicking your actions.
Even to his friends, he doesn’t let a bad word or action against you go undefended. He would probably push you out of harm’s way or advise you against a move that could hurt you.
He doesn’t ever want to see you sad.
He unconsciously mimics your actions. When you like someone, you unconsciously mimic their movements.
If you notice that he seems happy or sad, depending on your emotional state or his energy level mirrors yours, well, you may need to pay attention.
Is he using your slang or speech inflections? Is he unconsciously imitating your mannerisms while you are conversing? Well, these are visible signs you’ll notice with him.
9. He acts weird when you are with other guys, or when you talk about them.
This bizarre act he puts on when there’s a hit of interest in you from some other guy is called Jealousy. He’d probably talk out of turn or act somewhat for a moment and then apologize for his behavior. But deep down, he is not happy at the probability of you getting into any romantic relationship with someone who is not him, especially if he hasn’t gotten enough courage to ask you to be his girlfriend.
10. He goes out of his way to do nice things for you.
The proof of love is giving. A man who cares about you can’t be stingy or selfish. One way to know this is in how quickly he is to give to you.
He keeps thinking of ways to make you smile by doing sweet little things for you, Could be opening the door for you, helping with heavy bags, keeping you company, helping with mundane chores, etc.
11. He is always curious about you so he may ask you many questions.
He can spend a whole day asking questions. Don’t be alarmed; he just finds you exciting, and he’s probably attracted to you.
He wants to know you better, that’s why he keeps asking you all those questions.
He loves to call or chat you up about his day. He feels he can relax with you, so he doesn’t mind telling you about how his day went and that’s one of the total giveaways.
12. He teases you in a way he doesn’t behave with other girls.
Does he tease you, lightly pull on your hair or do things that make you blush or giggle, especially when he is quite conservative with other people? He may be feeling extra special about you.
He never turns away from you. One sign that he doesn’t like you is when he constantly shows you his back.
It’s a way to forestall discussion between you too. But if he likes you, he would never turn away from you because he wants you in his sights, always.
13. If he is shy, he may look away whenever you catch him staring at you.
Our eyes tell the stories of the heart before the mouth can say them. When someone admires you, they stare at you all the time, like they can’t help it.
Bold men may peer intensely into your eyes as if trying to learn your secrets, but shy guys would blush and look away when you catch their gaze.
He acts nervously around you. Clammy hands, twitchy fingers, nervous laughs, and shifting uncomfortably… are signs of a nervous person.
If he portrays nervous symptoms whenever you are around him, he probably likes you.
14. He always likes, comments, and retweets your posts.
In this era of social media, it’s logical that both of you use WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, or any other social media that applies to your age and country.
If someone likes you, he would probably follow you on your social media handle, comment on your posts or status, retweet, or share your posts.
This is his way of showing support and is a great conversation opener too.
15. He always finds excuses to hang with or around you.
Do you find him almost everywhere you go? Like somehow you see him at nearly every event you attend, or at the grocery shop just when you happen to be there, or at the library when you settle in to study.
This may seem kinda ‘stalkerish,’ and sometimes it could be pure luck. But once he is aware of your presence, he would gravitate toward you. Yeah, the pull of attraction is pretty strong like that.
Signs He Likes You But Is Hiding It

Guys sometimes can be so unpredictable, especially when feelings are concerned. And if you can’t tell the signs, you might get whiplashed from seemingly mixed-signals.
He’d probably say that you are just a friend, but he acts like you are more. He is so sweet to you, yet he wouldn’t just come out and say what he feels.
Frustrating, right? We’ve got your back with these lists. Leggo!
16. He loves making you laugh, even though he’s not a regular joker.
If he is shy or naturally conservative, yet he does silly things like make goofy faces, or sings sappy songs just to cheer you up, watch out girl.
He likes you like for real. Even though we feel guys are unpredictable with their feelings, they are creatures of habit.
So when a boy changes because of you, you must be special to him.
17. He introduces you to his friends and even loved ones.
Many men are quite protective of their private life. If they didn’t like you, they would not bring you into their close circle.
A guy who feels uncomfortable being seen with you or telling his friends about you is probably not into you.
18. Finders Keepers.
When you borrow something from him, the chances are that he would tell you to keep it rather than take it back.
Some guys love seeing a girl they love wearing or using their things. So if he keeps asking you not to return borrowed stuff, it’s a pointer that he likes you.
19. He may inadvertently call you sweet names.
This doesn’t apply to every guy, but most guys just love using cute names like babe, hun, sweetheart, and the like when referring to someone they love.
If he keeps calling you that unconsciously, you might want to pay attention to other signs that he is into you.
20. He loves buying you things to make you smile.
Apart from acting silly to make you smile, spending on you fulfills a deep need in him to provide for you. He would feel uncomfortable when you pay for stuff in his presence. You might argue about letting him pay for your stuff, but he would insist or find a way to make sure he buys you things he’s observed you need.
21. He’s usually one of the first people to congratulate you.
Whether about an achievement or when you celebrate your birthday. He is always excited and proud of your accomplishments.
If he cares about you, he will always find excuses to celebrate with you and buy you gifts.
22. He is always trying to know your opinion on varying topics.
Listening to you is never tiring or boring. So he’d pick your brain on diverse topics just to get you very comfortable talking with him.
Mind you, he is taking note of every nuance, inflection, and word you utter, because they help him form or solidify the opinion he has of you.
23. He’s one of the first to comfort you when something bad happens to you.
Just as he is quick to celebrate your good days, he will be there to commiserate during the bad days too.
He will show his support and need to be there for you, even if you are not really close.
24. He misses you.
He tries to know your whereabouts from people close to you whenever you are not around.
So when your girlfriends or loved ones tell you that he is always asking them about when you’d be coming back, he probably misses you a lot.
You can’t miss someone you don’t care for or particularly notice. He acts like or says he misses you whenever you are away from each other.
He would make off-hand comments of you being gone forever, or tying you down to him so you wouldn’t leave him all by himself, or something along those lines.
Basically, you would discern by his behavior that he really missed you.
25. He acts, dresses, and talks in ways that would impress you.
He might add a little swagger to his steps, puff up his chest, and deepen his voice, all to get you attracted to him. It’s like a titillating dance.
If you offhandedly told him you liked a particular perfume he had on, or you perceived somewhere, the chances are that he would wear it every time he was going to see you.
He would also make some effort to look nice and polish his attitude just to keep you impressed.
26. He doesn’t feel shy or ashamed of being seen with you.
It’s even a thing of pride to get the best girl hanging with him. He will also view hanging out with you as a deterrent to other guys not to encroach.
If he always avoids being seen with you, girl, you have to move on. You deserve someone who loves having you around them. If they don’t, then it’s their loss.
He loves supporting or assisting you no matter how busy he may be. He may abandon what he is doing to help you out. He doesn’t even have to wait on you to ask for it.
27. He is good for your ego.
He will compliment the hell out of you. Not that what he is saying is a lie, he is just blown away by your beauty and is ready to make platitudes about your looks.
Even when you feel bad about your appearance, he will always compliment you and make you feel good about yourself.
28. He tells you personal stuff about himself.
As far as you are concerned, you are part of his private life so he wouldn’t mind sharing other aspects of his life with you.
However, some guys are intensely private and may not feel the need to divulge some secrets about themselves. Still, you would know more about him than many people do.
29. He forgoes his commitment elsewhere just to be there for you.
When you call on him, he will try his very best to be there for you. He always wants to know you are alright and safe.
So when he notices that you need some help, he would be your go-to guy. He’s that smitten.
Every chance he gets, he gets close to you. If he always leans into you or hovers around you when you are near, then he just might be feeling the pull to be close to you always.
40. Without being asked, he will take on some of your tasks just to impress you.
Picking up stuff you forgot. Reminding you of an important appointment you told him about, and checking up on you regularly.
Getting you coffee on the way to the office and many other tell-tale signs are ways he lets you know you can depend on him.
He loves to spend on you and buy you quaint, little gifts. Even on non-special days, getting gifts to remind you of him is not a chore.
Signs a Boy Likes You Quiz
Have you tried your very best to decipher the true feelings of someone towards you, but you can’t seem to understand?
You’ve probably searched for various things on this, but you are still not sure of his feelings. Well, engage in this quick test to find out.
Carry out these quizzes to know if your crush has feelings for you too.
What does he do when you sit together? He…
a. Talks to me a lot
b. Sets a barrier or obstacle between us
c. Keeps staring at me
d. Ignores me
Is he in a relationship with someone else?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t know
What does his body language say? He…
a. Imitates my every move
b. Turns his back on me a lot
c. Grooms himself because of me
d. Looks at me a lot, maybe with raised eyebrows or dilated pupils
Does he treat you differently than other people?
a. To him, I’m just one of the guys
b. Yeah, he pays me more attention and looks or smiles at me a lot.
c. I don’t know if he treats me any differently.
d. He doesn’t see me
Is he nervous around you?
a. No, he doesn’t even notice my presence
b. Well, sometimes he blushes when I catch him staring at me
c. Yes. He fidgets, stutters, or laughs nervously when I’m around him
d. He acts normal with me as with anyone else.
Now that you know all the indications a boy likes you, I’m confident that you can now tell if a relationship with the boy you like is worth pursuing or not.