The worth and integrity of a man’s words are measured by his actions towards his words; while his words represent his values for life, people, and situations. The mark of a man’s quotes about life truly reveals the reality of a man’s world.
It really takes a real man quotes to show his quantity, quality, and value of life, for his words show his esteem of this cosmos we live in.
A real man’s quote could make the difference in portraying a man’s picture of sincerity and trustworthiness in this world where trust, honesty, and loyalty have become gold that is hidden deep down and far away from the surface of the earth. When found, we believe that such a person that this jewel is found with is indeed a rare gem and specie.
Making people see life in the right state is possible through words from ‘real man quotes.’ People have different opinions about life, however, the human race; with emphasis on the male gender is so blessed with wisdom.
Though actions they say speak louder than words, words actually go a long way to create or destroy so many things such as circumstances and relationships. However, a real man quote’ carries the potential force of reviving hopes, creating a great mindset, and can spur an enthusiastic atmosphere.
With all of these, we can use the quotes as inspirational quotes as it gives a good definition of a real man, brother, husband, male boss, male colleague, and male friend. Search here below for words and letters that reveal a man that knows true worth.
A Real Man Quotes and Sayings

Being a man is much more than the muscles and great build-up in the structure of the body; it’s much more about the words that come out of your lips. Words spoken can’t be taken back as popularly said. So in essence, part of the actions that display the reality a man believes in and represents can be seen in real man quotes and sayings.
Therefore, being a real man means that you should be equipped with famous quotes about being a man of character.
1. Trust is as gold not seen easily on the surface, but with a deeper look and search, it can be dug out. There is a treasure in every person you meet, but as you look closely, you’ll definitely get it. Only a real man patiently looks beyond the surface to see the value.
2. Show me a person who would not retreat from his words and promises and I would tell you you’ve seen a priceless gift that should be held onto dear.
3. This one commitment I make is much more than a hundred promises that are void of any possibility of reality but full of fantasies.
4. It takes deception to have a thousand relationships just to show that you can love. But it takes a real man to love just one person in a thousand ways.
5. When a man’s ability gains strength over him, he loses the ability to win hearts over to himself. Real men have control over ego and power, they use it for the good of everyone around them, and end up being the treasure of many hearts.
6. Before you begin to control a wife and children, you should have gotten hold of yourself. You end up handling situations and treating people around you the way you handled your own atmosphere.
7. Events that happen take place first in the heart, only a real man can bring out his desired blueprint for life exactly the same way with focus and determination.
8. Real manhood is more about going after what you have envisioned just as the eagle aims towards its target from on high.
9. Storms and floods still have the raging capacity to bring down strong fortifications and limits. The man represents this and has most of the lead in breaking through obstacles to pave ways for the family and society in the world.
10. The true definition of a man is not just what he claims to be in gender, but in what he shows himself to be. Be a man by your actions than just your words!
11. A real man shouldn’t be told what to do; most times, he is there doing it already and encouraging many to do the right things.
12. Manhood is complete with the joined abilities to provide, protect, defend, and sustain; not forgetting to nurture with tenderness also for a balance.
13. Real men do take some blame for what isn’t even their fault. They see it as their responsibility for things to always go right when they are present. When it doesn’t, they make excuses for others and never excuse themselves from the obligation.
14. A real man does not wait for a need to arise before making plans. He rather makes sure that there are provisions available to meet needs whenever they arise.
15. Men that are real are those that don’t just admit fault to show sobriety for mistakes made, they go on to take action to correct the errors.
16. Putting out your word and standing by it is what makes you a real man. If you’ll run or shake from it, it’s better not to utter such. Real men are measured by the integrity of their words.
17. The value of a man’s word is measured by the promptness and truthfulness of his actions toward fulfilling the word he has spoken.
18. A real man is designed to know how to set priorities right. He knows how to do things in order of importance while bearing in mind the importance of all he needs to put in place.
19. People are not abstract, and so a real man doesn’t make anyone feel less important. Rather, with the presence of a real man, people feel needed, significant, and relevant.
20. A real man is a catalyst for bringing out the best in people, rather than making them blame or disapprove of their self-worth.
21. You need not be a superhero to be a real man. But every real man is a superman to his own people and the world at large!
22. A real man does not lean more toward one side of life than the other. He knows just how to view situations from both sides of the coin and create a balance on the scale of life he stands on.
23. Giving room for chances to happen to you means you don’t understand life to a large extent. True men make sure to leave little or no space for chances, but take the bull by the horn. Giving themselves a great advantage over circumstances that might seem to go wrong.
24. The interpretation that you give to life as a whole can be gotten from how much of it you can handle. Real men handle life’s situations and with this kind of lead produce men that do the same.
25. A real man draws out from his extraordinary strength to meet situations that are beyond the ordinary before the circumstances become crises that can hardly be handled without a struggle.
What a Woman Wants in a Man Quotes

What a woman wants in a man’s quotes is the value of a man quotes that make him real to her, and can help her see the world more confidently and clearly than she could on her own.
Every daughter, wife, fiancée, female colleague, mother, or even female boss wants to hear you speak and be reassured that all will be fine, not in a deceptive way. So with a real man word, you can truly offer sincerity to the world and be shown estimable honor in return.
26. Womanhood never disregards the men who respect and recognize them. It is quite awesome when a woman praises a man, she ends up not doing it alone, but ensures that everyone who crosses her path knows how wonderful an impact it was that you made in her life.
27. It is hard for a woman to forget a man that gathered what looked like pieces of her heart together when broken by another whose memory she can let go of.
28. To make a lady smile is a magic that seems rare for her to find in a man. When she sees such a man, she holds on to her heart and can hardly let go.
29. A man can know the way his woman would want to be treated by the way his sisters or female friends demand attention. In the long run, his daughter would require the same treatment. So, women are alike and can be pleased if carefully studied, and the good care given to one is as given to all.
30. Skincare products, perfumes, candies, sweets, and other gifts are shallower than what a woman really needs. Attention and affection take hold of a woman’s heart.
31. An ear to speak to, a mouth to listen to, and a heart to connect to. With all of these in place, you’ve got yourself your desired woman.
32. If you give a woman gifts before knowing her heart, you’ll spend extensively before you realize that winning her heart is the best gift you can offer her. Win her love and spend lesser!
33. Even when she wants to let go, she really doesn’t mean it. She needs you more than her confession of breaking away. At this point, you’ve got to take the real man steps of making her realize how much you understand her.
34. When a man can heal a heart with words and affection of love consistently as required, he truly deserves a trophy much more than the Olympic medals.
35. Being good is not just enough, and being excellent is not too much. However, the woman knows that she wants to be treated specially, so, how much effort you put tells her how good you think she is to you; just good? or simply the best?
36. Time is real and when this isn’t seen as such by the man, or when the quality of time is not recognized by the man, then the woman says he can’t be real. The more time you spend with your woman and family tells how much you see them as being part of you.
37. Making a house a place of love requires effort from both spouses and the offspring as well. However, it’s up to the man to make sure that all contribute their token of love and that they do it sincerely. A real man knows how to bring the hearts of each member of his house to being knitted in love.
38. Unity springs from the bond of love. Love springs from reality, much more than fantasies. Anything communicated below the standard of love from a man keeps the woman in an imaginary world.
39. A stable and real man should be able to show that his gestures towards a woman are not fabricated. Women do have a strong sense of smell to perceive when it is fake. It pays to just be honest, it brings honor and respect to the man who portrays himself as real as he can be.
40. No matter what a woman can do by herself, she always cherishes a man that would not watch her do it alone. A true man who cares that much should help her out in preserving energy always, never letting her exhaust herself.
41. Many men have won trophies for the special landmarks they have made in the women’s world. But not so many can continue to be dear to them, it seems like the best they could portray at first, but then it fades away. A real man however maintains sweetness from the start to forever of their life.
42. A woman’s heart is like a garden of flowers. With the right man in her life, wildflowers would find no place to grow amongst the very beautiful flowers in her life. Her flower blossoms on and on.
43. It’s one thing to plant a seed, and another to nurture that seed. Real men look forward to harvesting a sweet relationship with their women. They never give up, always understanding the woman’s nature better, and seeking to meet her at her very point.
44. Even a struggle is a challenge for a man to make him better, and the woman sees this as a potential in a man that can stand against many odds for her.
45. Womanhood sees manhood as a complement to a seemingly gentle nature. So a real man has to live up to the qualities of being truly a man.
46. Being a real man also means to be detached in a way; not from responsibilities, but from things that could inhibit the fulfillment of your obligations.
47. Every strong-muscled man may not necessarily be real, but every real man is indeed strong and a true pillar for women.
48. Roughness doesn’t speak of a true man’s state. A real man can balance his crude nature with tenderness. This is what makes a man able to relate to life in different spheres.
49. A true man shows the forceful nature of his strength when he uses it against the forces acting against him in the world, rather than using it on a woman.
50. Real men are indeed known for their flexibility. Ability to meet with the woman in her nature and still be able to train her into rigidity against taking the world’s harshness.
Need a Real Man Saying

It is quite plain that no gender is an island of existence on this planet. Therefore, a real man quote shows how he can recognizably contribute to the female gender that needs a real man words to show them they are not alone in making decisions and also in making them not feel lonely in all.
Men are the compatible companion for women as known. Just as the world needs real men to rise up and take responsibility by making innovations, and really bringing ideas to making the world progress through development.
Therefore, the world needs real man quotes to see the wisdom in men that are set to be great influencers in their world and be truthful and faithful lovers of their homes as well.
51. Everyone wants a man close as a father, brother, colleague, or spouse. But not everyone understands the place of a real man. The place of a real man cannot be occupied except for a man’s exceptionality in holding out good standards.
52. Even when a man isn’t sought after like he’s wanted, that doesn’t mean he is not needed. The world needs more and more men who have found reality and have become reality themselves.
53. A real man does not stop showing how relevant he is to the people he has won their hearts after winning them over. The personality of a real man is revealed much more after he is surrounded by people who trust him.
54. A real man doesn’t fight his way into hearts, rather people seek him because of his heart. It is difficult to ignore such a golden heart when found.
55. A man is real because he has shown himself worth enough to be sought after. Worth, value, and principles projects a man as a great figure.
56. An emblem of virtue, love, and motivation makes a man stand out and be sought after amongst others. Being sought after shows one’s central importance in a place, and this hereby places a high value on such.
57. You find out more about the actual state of the way the world exists as you spend it with men. Until you do this, you might as well say you are an island of the knowledge of reality, which is really not so.
58. The real man is like a microcosm of the cosmos at large. You find in him a model for all lovely life forms present in the world.
59. No matter how beautiful a garden is, no one can ignore the need for a gardener. Men are like this, they are designed to tend to some things in life, this is the reality of the time we are in and this is what makes a man real; responsibility.
60. A real man doesn’t need to find himself a beautiful place to be, rather the place he finds himself needs that real man to make the atmosphere and environment beautiful.
61. The firmer a man gets, the more he should work on his gentle nature. No one needs one sided-men in their world.
62. Words can’t spell out the importance of a real man in the world, but the world testifies to him with words and praises.
63. The force that a real man brings to a place can’t be invisible or ignored. It binds everyone to himself as the center of motivation. Real men are undeniable inspirational influences!
64. We agree that a man is strong when his heart is firm and flexible at the same time. Strength is cherished not in rigidity alone, but in the expression of tenderness too.
65. A real man can identify the things that can be counted as distractions and can focus on making every moment count.
66. No class of person is too high or low for a real man to approach. Everyone matters and needs a contribution from you no matter how small it might seem.
67. Nothing is insignificant to a man who counts the world as a real place and who sees himself as real. Every little thing, matter, issue, and person counts.
68. Being placed in the position of a man comes with its own obligations. A man that is true to himself and the universe puts this to heart and function.
69. Helping someone of low status is considered honorable for a real man as opposed to making him feel like he has scooped low.
70. The problem of a generation is not the scarcity of men. Rather, the need for more real men in character and virtue.
71. Valuableness is beyond being just available. Making your presence of effect is the point that you are really there.
72. The population has pushed us to believe that we’ve got all we need from men. But I think the real men in the populace would see the vacuums still needed to be filled and will come right at filling them up.
73. A good and real man controls his temper. Losing it is like letting go of what makes you a man that is capable of being in control of situations.
74. Men are species of people that we see as not being emotional. However, real men do feel and express emotions because they respond truly to situations with their hearts.
75. A man is still real even when he shows sympathy, smiles, and laughs. Only ordinary men stay within the box of the definition given to them for age long.
A Real Man Provides Quotes

A man who is not as capable of making the world give him what he needs cannot even make provisions for his family and society. A real man provides quotes that spell out how a real man doesn’t settle for lesser than what the world offers, but he rather offers the world solutions and creates a better life for even generations into come. Check out another beautiful list of real man quotes.
76. A family needs more than food, clothes, shelter, and money. Time brings out the reality of being a family. Therefore, a real man makes time out for his own.
77. A real man seeks first how to relieve himself and his family from the burden before it takes over or has a toll on them.
78. A real man expresses his capacity in different dimensions to satisfy the desires of all around him. He is never one-way or one-sided in minding the affairs of his own.
79. As caretakers, men should handle and maintain all that is attached to them in life. In essence, a real man is known by the state of wellness you meet everything that is linked to him.
80. Real men seek to give you the spotlight on the stage in their lives, rather than be spotted themselves. The brilliance of a man’s wife shows how really brightly he sees and handles nature himself. So, a family’s state of happiness and brightness is a mirror of a real man’s lifestyle.
81. Give a real man a blank book and pen and he will successfully spell out first of all the future he wants, rather than live in the present. They see far and therefore know how to work out the future from now.
82. The past and present communicate great plans in the heart of a real man rather than discouragement. He sees great opportunities in all and makes himself ready to make the most of them as he offers his family the best of the future.
83. A real man doesn’t try to show off himself or his family. He lets what he has done speak for him. Truly, you see excellent touches in all that he handles.
84. Real men are too busy working out their relationships to give hear to excuses or critics. They overcome by going about with the atmosphere of possibilities.
85. A man with a heart for pleasing his loved ones is a real man. Even when things seem not to go well, his loved ones would have learned to stay by him through the storm, knowing him to be true to his vows of loving them.
86. A real man does not need gifts to win hearts as much as he needs to be honest and true to his promises to stay with his wife and children.
87. No situation or a person suffers attention as long as a real man is available. He knows just what to do per time and for each person.
88. A good and true man knows to stay true to his words no matter what. Standing up to his words makes him stand tall and unique amongst his peers.
89. Men may not have the configuration to do certain soft things, but a real and good-hearted man knows how to learn to do them to please his lady and loved ones.
90. When a smile cuts across her face, a real man is happy he has provided her with joy. Gifts could make her happy, but a tender smile flows from the heart when a lady sees joy in her man.
91. To real men; getting a smile to cross her face is like winning a trophy. And making his home full of joy is the result she’ll give him as he truly desires.
92. A real man is not afraid to learn new things and grow. What he learns today determines how he would meet his needs tomorrow.
93. A tender woman needs a man with the strength to fight alongside her against the storms of life. She knows chocolates and flowers won’t do much of support even though she appreciates it.
94. A real man does not tune himself to other people’s sounds, he rather makes sounds for people to tune to. With this, he can carry himself and his folks on a good roller coaster ride even through life’s trying moments.
95. Reflection is one of the weapons a real man uses to see through the obstacles of life and know what to do to attend properly to the circumstances that present themselves at times. A real man is a deep thinker and a no-time waster.
96. A good man knows how to bring life and home to a balanced scale. Life’s situations do not determine how and when he can attend to his family, Rather, he brings them both under his control, not in any way hurting his family and loved ones.
97. For a real man, people do not only matter to him. He matters to everyone he has ever affected, and usually, a real man sure does always have a lot of people who have benefited from him. Every move of a real man positively affects everyone around him even if they fail to admit it immediately.
98. When a man comes to a crossroads, his decision at that point doesn’t come selfishly, he thinks of others first before himself. This quality can never be invisible in a real man.
99. A man that can stand to admit his mistake is a man that can be easily corrected and would always find the right guidance from people around him. Such a man is real and wouldn’t come to having faults every now and then.
100. Being real is much more about thinking of others’ well-being first. There would come a time when life would lead you to a point where you need their help in return. This is reality and only real men know the principle of giving in order to receive in return in the time of need.
A Real Man Love Quotes

What a real man does for his woman quotes about the expression of love. And so with real man love quotes, we have captured the many speechless affectionate expressions that a real man saying to a cherished woman embodies.
The following quotes represent what every man should be saying to every loved female out there that women are great gifts to them in the world.
101. Real men don’t look for the most fashionable and beautiful damsels to hook up with, they rather make their world beautiful with the women they love.
102. Love may be considered unreal by many, it takes a real man to reveal the true state of love in different dimensions and through diverse expressions.
103. A real man is too busy carefully loving his woman to allow her to feel hurt. If she ever feels hurt, he feels hurt too.
104. The heart is where the reality of love is found, and experienced. So the man that can knit his heart tightly with the ones he loves would be a real and true man.
105. When a man turns from his decision to hold on to a woman for life, you should know it wasn’t real. True love is real and expresses itself in stronger ways even when reality storms hit the couple.
106. The affection that a man shows to a woman must be sincere. While that man must work on making it as real as it should be. A woman sees more worth herself with the reality of the love you show her.
107. Men’s eyes are like a mirror through which women give interpretation to things and vice versa. Love is interpreted as real when a woman can see it in your eyes, so ensure to give the best of its expression.
108. Your woman is not just another female here on the surface of the earth. She has her worth and wants a real man to see this and appreciate it.
109. Life’s equation remains unbalanced until both sides of reality are fully blessed with the right proportion of affection toward each other.
110. A real man does know how to contribute his own quota to making life a beautiful place to be. Making a woman feel loved is part of making the world a beautiful place.
111. Making a place for the woman you love in your heart is as good as clearing out the whole of your heart. After God, the woman you love should be of concern to you as your real self is.
112. You should take the life of your woman as your own life. This makes a real man different from just any man who sees a woman as just another being with another gender on earth.
113. It takes a man to love a woman, but a real man to love her continuously through all challenges and obstacles that might present itself.
114. A man could love a woman’s body alone and not her, but it takes a real man to love the woman regardless of her body. Such love lasts longer and bonds stronger.
115. Only a real man can discern a woman’s specifications per time for gestures of love. It takes a true man to know her prescriptions and win her over by meeting up with it.
116. Most women desire very little compared to what men think they need. A real man truly seeks and finds how to love his woman, paying attention to what exactly she needs, it’s the right compass for knowing the right way to love a woman.
117. A real man is ready to put up with any flaws he sees in his woman and still love her, rather than look for a woman who has little or no flaws.
118. The ability to help a woman out of some weaknesses is found in real men. So, it takes a real man to stand by a woman who needs help, one who runs away from helping his woman is not man enough to handle a relationship.
119. Love life isn’t always sweet. It takes a real man to wait for the sweetness at the peak and as he copes with all the bitter moments in the beginning.
120. Real-life situations prove a man to be real. Demonstrating real love is what makes a man real and ready to handle a home.
A Real Man Respects a Woman Quotes

If a man can honor a woman, he is indirectly honoring a generation. A woman births a lineage from her womb as the greater part of the influence in a generation because of the quality time spent with their offspring, this could therefore result in how the world believes in you or not.
With this, woman has much influence in the world, even though it is hardly recognized sometimes. So, I believe that a real man respects a woman’s quote’ is one of the ways to raise the relevance of women in the world, by showing what values you cherish in them and making sure their contributions are respected. A real man words truly shows his respect for a woman.
121. Your words are from the depth of the well of wisdom. I cherish this and would like you to know that it is an honor to hear you give me one of your nuggets each and every day. I honor you greatly ma’am!
122. A woman who doesn’t ask for respect from a man before getting it has gotten herself a real man to be proud of for life.
123. Men who look down on women are people who don’t know the essence of existence and don’t know how important the channel (woman) that brings life into being is.
124. Every woman is a channel of life at the risk of losing her life for a life to come out at every point of labor. I love them all!
125. You’re truly a breed that would leave the world empty if not present. Thanks to all girls, ladies, and women. You’re loved!
126. You’re like a honeycomb, there’s so much sweetness in you and I recognize this virtue in every woman that surrounds me. I’ll never relegate the part you played in making me the real man I have become today. I heart you sweetly dear!
127. Respect is even an understatement for what honor I should give to you. Though the accolades that I give to you won’t speak all that I wish to communicate to you for your love and support. So I’ll just say I love you dearly. I thank God for making you a woman.
128. If there wasn’t your breed on the earth, I wonder who would fill your vacuum. You are a kind of species that though in a fragile form, is exactly the right support needed by any man who wants to live on the surface of the earth in a balanced state. Thanks for being who God created you to be.
129. You’re not taken without acknowledgment, dear lady. This short message is to you a salutation that voices out my admiration for your kind of being. The way your softness complements my roughness is indescribable. You are a real woman and have greatly contributed to my existence as a real man.
130. It takes a man who knows how to tend to flowers to have an idea of how important the feminine world is in the garden of his life.
131. Men have the natural desire to be in control, but a real man knows how to make his woman a co-pilot in the craft.
132. Being sorry for hurting a woman is one thing a real man must admit to. It does not reduce him, rather it makes a woman feel respected and see him as honorable too.
133. A real man knows how to share authority with his woman. Women respect men who live as partners with them as opposed to being bossy.
134. Forgiveness is a virtue found in a real man. It shows the value you have for a woman as you expect her to be better by the day. It makes her know she is not written off.
135. Men could be passive in responding to a woman’s feelings, but real men actively involve themselves and make the most of the affection shown to them.
136. A real man does not conclude what he hears from others about his woman. Rather, his convictions are drawn from his trust and confidence in her.
137. Patience is a virtue found in real men, as opposed to the impatient and rigid nature believed to be in men.
138. It takes time to understand women, and only real men are ready to ride on the long-term journey of understanding and discovering the nature of a woman.
139. Getting to know your woman is like going on an adventure. You should definitely expect to meet with new challenges as you take one turn at a time down your road of discovery with her.
140. Although men are logical thinkers, real men do not use it to relegate the opinions or contributions of his woman.
141. A real man always turns down any offer that may want to bridge his relationship with his woman. He respects her too much to let anything or anyone get in between.
142. A failed trial is not convincing enough to conclude that you do not need a woman in your life. Real men keep going for other chances to make it work with the women they respect.
143. A real man honors a woman as much as a king esteems his queen than even his kingdom. He makes her more priority than other circumstances around him.
144. Lies are not found with real men, but fake ones. Lies are misleading, and a woman never wants to be with a deceptive personality. It makes her feel lowly when she’s lied to.
145. Listening is peculiar in a real man’s quality. It tells the woman that he’s willing to hear from her no matter what the situation may be. This shows her that her thoughts are highly cherished.
146. Real men overlook the weakness of women. They rather know how to bring out the best in them as they work together.
147. A real man is ready to go to the aisle with his woman. Real men do not go into relationships without having a goal in mind. These goals make the relationship real to them and make them see the man as ‘the one’ for them.
148. Real men go to lengths to make sure that they groom their women to the standards they desire them to be.
149. Although men are selective, the real man does not use the background of a woman to justify his choice of one.
150. Satisfaction and being comfortable are what a real man derives from the woman he loves. Real men are really those who have lost the urge for other options.
It takes a real man’s quote to reveal the truth of how a real man thinks and handles the situation around him. He carries the atmosphere of possibilities too.