Looking for the best rhyme with beautiful verses that can touch the heart and that can move your best friend to emotional tears of joy and laughter? No worries! These best friend poems that make you cry and rhyme will help you relay the deepest thought of your heart for your best friend.
Undoubtedly, sometimes just sending random words cannot convey an in-depth expression of how much of an inspiration that best friend has been to us. In this post, beautiful thoughts are put together below in rhyming poems about friendship to describe how much you value and cherish him or her.
Best Friend Poems that Make You Cry and Laugh

Rhyming friendship poems for best friend poems that make you cry and laugh. Let your best friends know how important they are in your life.
1. I’ll do whatever you like
Even if it’s to lap you on my bike
Like, spokesperson, I’ll act like your mic
And at all times I’ll fight like your Tyson mike.
For your fit, I’ll buy your best of Nike,
I’ll be your covering even when it’s sunny
And if you turn a kid I will also turn your nanny.
2. With you, everything is awesome.
I no longer live in boredom,
My life is set in motion,
Among my friends, You’re the most handsome,
And I’ve been shot into stardom.
Because we are best friends forever in the kingdom.
3. Every challenge you’ve helped me mend,
You’ve even made my heavens rend;
Up higher you’ve helped me ascend
Because you’re an angel I can never descend
4. Something in me pounds all around,
But I can’t tell what kind is the sound!
I don’t think it’s the sound of the rain
Cause it would come with a cloud;
I am sure is not of the train,
Not at all, for it would sound more aloud.
Still, I could feel its vibe right inside my vein,
Just as if I’m being given strokes of a cane,
Never think I’m going insane,
It’s the sound of nothing, as I can now see,
But of my heartbeat for you again my best friend.
5. One-Two, I remember, my shoe I did buckle
Three-Four here I come, friend feel my knuckle
Five-six the harvest is ready, so call for the sickle.
Seven-Eight, I’m relieved cause I’m off the shackle
Nine-ten, you’re a rare gem to me, I’m happy, so I chuckle.
6. A SMILE with no guile can be as strong as a song,
With the right words and rhythm, Binding the broken,
Strengthening the weak, Healing hurts that are so deep.
A SMILE with no guile can go farther than the eyes could see,
Deeper than the depths of the sea,
Saying more than words can reveal,
Beautiful as it glows,
Not mindful of the face from which it is shown.
A SMILE with no guile can save a soul.
This is what your beautiful smile has done to me,
Thank you, dearest friend. Lots of love!
7. Sometimes in winter before the summer,
Vividly I could remember;
You became more like my sibling and family member,
You made me hotter, for my goals than an ember,
Loaded me up with the right tunes like fender,
Placed me among people of caliber and timber,
Changed my choice of food so I no longer eat bananas,
Changed my job and now I have more dollars,
Made me steady where before I did slumber,
Lifted off all that to my life constrain.
No wonder people are eager to have my autograph and my number!
Thank you for being there for me, my best friend.
8. My prayer for you:
All your troubles will go insane,
And be deserted like Cain,
Never to see sweetness like sugarcane,
They’ll never see a wonderful world like Zidane.
9. People no longer want to share in your pain,
Even if you do everything in the rain
And it’s as if all is going down the drain,
While you try for your effort not to be in vain.
When everything is done and you want to try to reign,
Then they’ll show up to take part in the gain,
With you, they’ll even like to form a food chain.
Bestie, you are never like them who only like the gain.
Thank you so much, I’ll always love you again and again.
10. Dear best friend,
I can tell that your love for me is not ordinary.
Even in trying to describe it,
I couldn’t find an adjective that fits it in the dictionary.
For you are that friend who’s closer than a brother,
One that will be my covering when I’m shivery.
11. What some are celebrating now, in your life, dear friend!
God has been doing, even more, in your life since January,
People continue giving you gifts, yet you were born in February.
God is supplying your need even more than the scope of your salary,
And the testimony you’ve given me is too much that it can’t contain my diary.
12. I pray for you dear best friend:
May God part your red sea while you are still trying to get a ferry,
You give you unspeakable joy that sweetens your life more than cherry,
Subscribe you into His grace and mercy than the scope of a blackberry,
You will succeed while others are busy telling many-a-story.
13. I can’t just Imagine you buying me the best car,
When I thought I could only afford an old-fashioned lorry,
Those troubling me, their case you made sorry;
You pour your sweet-smelling savor on me
More than would a delicacy garnished with Curry.
You are simply my best friend.
14. Friend- Just Say Amen.
Henceforth, from this weekend –
God’ll answer all your prayers that pend,
On you His rain of blessing He’ll send,
To you, before others, He’ll attend,
Your worries come challenges will end,
You’ll receive automatic forgiveness from those you offend,
Your source of joy no one will be able to comprehend,
Those from whom you’ve been borrowing, you’ll begin, to them, to lend,
Where in life’s course you’ve failed, you’ll again be celebrated as a Legend,
God’ll help you straighten all in your life that bend,
God’ll provide for you abundantly where for yourself you can’t fend,
You with your family God’ll defend –
Your troubles have hit the tail end,
You’ll witness, in all that concerns you a positive upward and testimony-filled trend,
Every crooked pattern in your life God’ll amend.
Top Best Friend Poems that Make You Cry and Rhyme

Express true friends’ poems that make you cry with warmth and fond friendship poem to build a deeper, happier bond with your best friend. Take one or two from this list and share them with him or her.
15. You are the definition of beauty,
When I build a city,
You are all I need,
Believe me, this is my creed.
16. You are the unique one,
You are ever cheerful,
None mourns,
With you nearby.
17. With you, every day is a special day
I am aware, that it comes with such a glow,
It puts me and you in a lovely row,
For success in life, we grow.
18. You are decked with savor,
You alone have what it takes,
To accomplish the best of taste,
All your desires and wishes to stay.
19. You would not strive,
As you aim high in life,
You would attain every height,
And maintain your success aright.
20. A wonderful day it is,
Feel the excitement,
See the merriment,
Make a gleeful scene,
With you, my joy is deeper.
21. I looked around to find a special one,
You came my way,
I wanted to pull out,
You had come to stay.
You are my best friend with no stains.
22. You are graced to win the race,
Tie up your lace and face the day,
Blow out the dirt that comes your way,
Know that you can handle the test,
And all that comes on this day,
23. A great day this is,
If it rains,
It spells out your calm,
If the sun shines,
It tells of your brightness,
You are the light in my world.
24. The seasons,
Playing out in successions,
All making an impact on the earth,
Make your confessions,
To follow this path.
For you have the power to impact.
25. I disclose this secret to you,
This planet loves you
Because you make it better,
But the planet is jealous because I love you better.
26. My gift to you today,
Is this parcel full of wishes,
Do give me a treat in return,
Because that’s what best friends do.
27. A nice day it is for you,
To sail further,
Looking beyond the storms,
Break limits and boundaries,
Let’s go change the world together.
28. Get on the ferry,
Move over your fears,
Lose them in the sea!
Cause I’ve got your back no fears
29. Seasons have come and gone,
Changing nature and man,
You have been in my life,
Changing me from a child to a man.
Thank you for bringing manner to the man
30. You are the star,
Host a party with style
Make the most of the vibe when is near,
And I’ll be there when you turn the Ice.
31. You stand out amongst many,
You are peculiar to me,
There are flowers in the valley,
But you are the lily,
With you, I have no worries.
32. You deserve the best,
I wish you all of it,
The peak of heights,
Is just your start,
Till the end of time, I’ll be your best.
33. At your busy time and leisure,
You give your best, because you’re the best,
It is my pleasure to also give you my best,
Leave the rest cause I’ll settle for less
34. I call you blessed,
Wishes and desires,
Songs and dances,
Have them all today,
For you’re my well-deserved friend.
Poems About Friendship with Rhyme Scheme

Poems about friendship with rhyme scheme, a real friend poem tailor-made to inspire and motivate your friend to keep going and reaching for new heights in life because we live daily to inspire one other. Share this extensive list with him or her today to add an extra spark of motivation and inspiration.
35. Pregnancy of soul-lifting testimonies this season you shall, undoubtedly, deliver;
In every desert, for you, God will make many-a-river.
When you appear before your challenges, they will be forced to shiver;
That to challenge you, none of them will get the liver!
To those from whom you’ve been borrowing, God will make you a giver,
And He will separate you and that friend that is a deceiver.
In your life, He will heal any sickness or infirmity, even if it’s a fever.
The task that others take a lifetime to complete, shall be, to you, a walkover.
And all the path to being outstanding, to you God shall uncover.
As many who have limited your testimony to a beetle shall join celebrating your Range Rover.
To all experiences, you shall be an overcomer.
In your quest for fulfillment, a place of dejection, failure, and giving up shall not be a stopover.
Where people gather to celebrate, your own joy shall never be a carryover.
Where people expect your downfall, you shall triumph.
Even in your family line, you shall be known as an outstanding achiever.
It shall be established, of all the good things you have been a Conceiver,
And to beautify you, there will be many-a-makeover.
God will give you diamonds where you celebrate silver,
And will make you stand on the Solid rock where in life you waver.
Your saliva shall you not waste on any palaver.
If God will anoint many, yours shall run over.
In fact, more than enough shall you have where people think you’ll starver.
He will be your covering all the time and not just a pullover,
For all pains, you will get a reliever.
Lastly, The God of the last minute will surprise you before the night of Crossover.
36. The quality of one’s choice every day of one’s life determines
The quality of our life, every day we live,
Of course, this is true. But remember some live in grief,
Trying to turn a new leaf but no one to believe,
What will be will be being their belief, with no sense of relief – I’m just trying to be brief.
To them what do we give, if our hands are not stiff?
Rather them we beef and call chiefs of many-a-thief – even if they stole anybody’s handkerchief.
Many don’t even have a place to live, where then do we expect them to sleep?
Their faith apart did rip; you’ll know them if into their affairs you peep.
To poverty, they’ve been clipped-ever unequipped!
Nothing as a grip as they go on life’s trip.
This has made the situation, to failure, flip.
The stain in them is so deep, and all its pain they can’t keep;
Still, nothing on their lips to sip.
Their lives are going out in beeps.
Some wrongly made their heaps and what they sow, you know, they reap.
Some destinies, like bad CDs, skip; ever working but never got a pay slip, even anything as a tip.
So always nothing to bring out, if their hand into their pockets they dip!
37. Success in life is not by merely tossing of dice
But rather by paying d required price-
So give it what will suffice.
And if you’ve got it don’t over-flaunt it but Praise God always
For grace comes opportunity and not merely shouting Halleluyah thrice.
Remember, God with anything you have you can’t entice.
He can’t even eat your chicken and rice,
Let alone your drink that’s on Ice.
He’s spoken once n I’ve heard twice,
That all power belongs to Him and that’s twice as nice.
With Him, you’ll get rid of anything that’s eating your destiny as would lice.
Also, know that daily He keeps you against your enemies device;
Gives you your daily bread, not a slice,
And He’s made you the main man of dominion, not His vice.
So if you can’t cling more to Him think twice,
For you, this is my piece of advice.
And to be precise a word is enough for d wise-
Hence, a best friend adage advises!
38. Good leaders always do what is right,
Even at the risk of failure when everything is tight.
In the face of great danger, they always keep the fight,
Because they always make faith their sight.
When faced with life’s troubles they always proclaim all is alright.
They always see the highest achievements as their legal right;
Always will set their motives aright
And always see a future that’s so bright.
In every darkness, they’ll always see a great light
And in the plight of condemnation, they will always retain their might.
When given a morsel of food they’ll not sell their birthright
And they never give slight room for failure even at night.
With just a little strength you’ll see them always rising to a great height!
Try to be one!
39. Trust Him-Jesus as the moments fly;
Trust Him as the days go by;
Trust Him when all your best you can try;
Trust Him when anything wants to make you cry;
Trust Him when the money on you is not enough for anything to buy;
Trust Him instead of saying why.
He said ask and He will give for He will not lie;
As long as He lives you’ll not die.
He will do it for as many who comply;
And to you and me this applies.
Trust Him whatever befalls;
In danger for Him call;
Trust Him when you’re pushed to the wall;
Trust Him while He leads for with this you cannot fall.
Even when your faith is small,
He’ll make you stand up tall.
Trust Him my friend that is all!
I’m here for you poems:
40. When the road is rough
And all is tough
God is more than enough
Even if the world turns it’s back and it fills like the end
And you’re broken
And wounded
And needed a friend,
I’m here for you.
If all is not easy
If all you’ve got is a mite,
Try to put up some might,
keeping worries off your sight
For it could cause you some plight,
Like you’re having some blight.
But soon at the joy bus stop, you’ll alight,
Just hold on to faith tight,
This is not your fate alright,
Cling to Him whose burden is light
He’ll make your future bright.
I can see you reaching new heights
And dreams that you were going for.