One of the most amazing gifts one can ask for in life is the gift of friendship. Without mincing words, there are friends who have become more like siblings and second family to us.
We can only be thankful to God who has flourished our lives with these great people that has added beautiful colors to our daily lives. I am happy you have such people in your life that you can share the true value of a person quotes with.
Well, I am sure deep down in your heart, you want to really show how much you care and value that special friend of yours who has been there through thick and thin but you just couldn’t get the right words to express how much you value him or her.
I have written some perfect lines to convey that desire of your heart completely, and thoroughly and they are tailored to cover different stages or levels at which our friendship lies.
Best True Value of a Person Quotes

Words can be very powerful. They have the ability to make us smile. Words have different meanings for everyone, but their real value comes from the actual meaning of the person who is speaking them.
1. Compassion is the true value of a person. True value is found in the ability to make a positive difference in the world.
2. What is a person really worth? The price of one simple thing: Respect. And respect, after all, is the only coin that men can really cash.
3. It’s not what you make but who you make it for. True value is not measured by the positions we hold, the wealth we accumulate, or our IQ. It’s measured by the people we choose to become.
4. Putting the right person in the right job is more important than any amount of money in the world.
5. What makes a person? They are not their bank account or the number of followers they have on social media. What makes a person is how they treat other people, their love for family and friends, and how they recognize the value of others.
6. She is a treasure worth cherishing and never losing sight of.
7. Everyone should be able to do something extraordinary. The true value isn’t in what you accomplish, but rather in what you commit to doing every day.
8. You don’t have to be perfect, but you have to try.
9. You are so valuable to the world. You have so much to offer, but sometimes you don’t realize it. I hope that today you will be reminded of how important you are, and how there is no limit to what you can achieve.
10. Good quality can never be improved, but we can always make it look better.
11. It’s not what you take from the world but what you give that matters.
12. Our minds are like parachutes. They function best when they’re open, but only if they’re attached to something solid.
13. There is a worth that is not measured by wealth, but by generosity and love.
14. The greatness of a person has nothing to do with their bank account.
15. When you truly value someone, they become more valuable.
16. The worth of an individual is never established by his possessions, but only by the qualities he has.
17. One’s value isn’t how rich or famous he is. It’s the sum of all the positive things they’ve done in their life.
18. You don’t want to change a person. You want to add value to their life.
19. The pure value is not in how much money she makes, or what society thinks of her. It’s in how much joy she has given away.
20. Don’t put a price on a friend. Friendship is life.
21. Value yourself and give yourself time to grow. The good value of someone is measured by the number of enriching experiences he had and how many lives he has touched.
22. It’s not what you know but who you know. The true value of someone doesn’t only come from their academic background. It comes from the people they have met in their lifetime and how they sustain their relationships with them.
23. Rare is the person who can’t be helped. And sometimes it’s us that need to be helped.
24. Nobody is born a leader; everyone has to grow into one.
25. You don’t have to be a certain way; you can be yourself and still be amazing. I’m not perfect, but I’m close enough.
26. We are all mirrors of ourselves, reflecting the world back at us. If we see imperfections, it’s because we see imperfections in ourselves. If we see beauty, it’s because others see beauty in us.
27. I don’t say ‘thank you’ because I am a grown-up. I say it to remind myself that every day I am growing up a little more – a little taller, a little stronger, and a lot wiser.
28. A true value of that person you see every day is not in their possessions.
29. The true value of yourself is not in what you earn, but in what you give.
30. A person’s true worth is measured by what he/she does and not what he/she has.
31. The true value of a leader is not in how much he makes but in how much he gives.
32. The real value of a person is not in what he does, but in what he doesn’t do.
33. Your value is determined by what you do with your time on earth.
34. Don’t look for the perfect person, make the perfect person.
35. True value is not measured by money or power. It is measured by how much you care about doing something that makes a difference in someone else’s life.
36. Life’s most valuable lessons come from trifling conversations.
37. The greatest happiness on earth is the conviction that we are loved and needed.
38. To be the best that you can possibly be, you must be able to see yourself through the eyes of others.
39. Determination is the key to success. The most successful people have a sense of urgency about their goals.
40. You don’t have to be someone else to be somebody. You just have to be yourself and walk the best you that you can.
41. Your brain on coffee tastes like happiness, creativity, and success.
42. You can’t bring a change in yourself, but you can open the door to new possibilities within you and around you.
43. True value is not in the physical appearance but in the character.
44. True value is the measure of how much of yourself you give away.
45. Our vision is not to be the best we can be, but to be the best that we need to be.
46. You have to be willing to take risks and that’s where true value comes in.
47. What you can do today, is worth more than what you do tomorrow.
48. A true friend will support you when you are right, and a true friend will support you when you are wrong.
49. There is no greater gift to a friend than a good friendship.
50. You only have one life. Make it a good one.
51. A wise man once said, “You get what you give.” So, give with all you’ve got, and nothing less.
52. A great life does not happen by chance; it’s planned and prepared for.
53. The most precious thing in the world is knowledge and the people who don’t have it live in ignorance.
54. We’re all on this journey together, so let’s help each other out.
55. You don’t have to be great at everything, but you have to do something that matters.
56. You can’t judge a person by their appearance. Surround yourself with the people you love and trust, and make your life an adventure.
57. Always remember to value people for what they do, not who they are.
58. True value is not measured in dollars and cents, but in how much we give to others.
59. Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
60. You are someone. You are not a number, and you are worthy of respect.
61. Every person is a masterpiece that has not yet been created.
62. You can’t be what you want to be if you don’t know what you want.
63. What a person wins, others can lose. But losing is losing and winning is winning, so don’t be afraid to make an investment in your future.
64. Be yourself, and never change. Never let anybody tell you who you are not. When people see you for who you are, they can’t help but be drawn toward you.
65. You’re unique and special, and you’re worth the wait.
66. Every person is born with a unique gift. Every one of us has the potential to change this world. I am grateful for every single person and their contribution to my life.
67. You don’t have to be number one. Just be your own best self, and do things that make you happy. That’s all anyone really needs.
68. We all have the potential to be more. We all have the ability to achieve something great in life. To become the best possible version of ourselves.
To do and be great things in this world. The main thing holding us back is fear, fear of failure, fear of rejection, and fear of what others think about us.
I Value You Quotes
Everyone has value in different ways. Conveys your strong message which can be related to anyone.
69. I value you
Friendship is a ladder of growth that we are to climb for us to make progress in life, having you as a friend could never have been a waste of time because you have really shown how much of a friend you are, I value you so much!
70. Basic Friend with Basic Progress
Basic principles that guide life and good living depend on the people we allow in our lives and the basic role they play in our lives; you are a good friend who has wrought significant progress in my life. I can’t regret having you in my life, you are worth the space you occupy.
71. You Are Made to be Special
Many times, we ask for siblings but often time we find a friendship that gets more rooted than we can ever develop in our genes, my friend, you aren’t just special, you live to be made special.
72. You Are a Beauty with Pure Spirit
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, respect lies in minds of those who know its value, you are a beauty I respect so much because of your pure spirit and heart.
73. Distance is Never a Barrier
Distance could have bridged gaps between us but you didn’t allow it, I might not be there beside you but you can be sure that you exist in my subconscious thought. I intentionally love you because you are intentionally nice, caring, and friendly, you are one of a kind.
74. I Miss You
The best part is I miss you; the worst part is you are far away; I miss our time spent together, the gist, and the fight…Oh! You are just too important. The distance between us is heartbreaking.
75. The First Time We Became Friends
The first time I saw you, I never knew you could be a friend I will miss you as much as I am missing you now. No doubt you are the best gift anyone can ask for in this life. Thank you for being there always.
76. You Are More than a Friend
You walked into my heart and I kept you in the friend’s zone, you worked your way to a sister’s zone and I value that much more than you can think.
78. No One to Gist with
I wish this season could be spent with you so I can share with you the hottest gist and the recent development in our environs, well let’s talk via Skype so I can see that smile when I gist with you.
79. Your Friendship is the Best
I passed by your house today and I felt like calling you as I used to. Come home in time sweet, your friendship is the best because you made my dreams come true.
80. You are Rare
The best of all friends isn’t so common, just one of a kind that you are. You are altogether beautiful and unique in its sense.
81. You Are a Strength
During the days of weakness, you stood by me as a strength; during the time of brokenness, you stood to mend the pieces I value you more than you can imagine.
I Value Our Friendship Quotes
Sometimes we tend to see and allow some people to take special space in our lives because of the level of love and commitment we make towards ourselves.
It is of great pleasure to occasionally make them feel as special as they are, and we must tell them how valuable they are; from the list of ‘I value our friendship’, your friend would be so delighted and feel so valued to read them.
82. Acceptance is What You Preached
Friendship is a mirror that displays our characters and helps in amending the wrongs in us but meeting you has proved that friendship is also about acceptance. Life without a friend like you is worthless.
83. Friendship is a Globe
Friendship is a globe that tells how much you can move around the world, friendship with you has been wonderful and valuable for me to see far beyond the moment.
84. You Are Right
Getting it right in life is very important but meeting the right people makes it easier to achieve some things that seem hard, I met you and you showed me the importance of taking a good step of faith.
85. You Are a Prize
Walking through life without a friend like you would have been so boring, so lonely, so worthless, from the deepest of my heart I say you are a prize I won to boost my foresight.
86. I Love You
If only tears could express how much your value is in my heart, I would have cried my eyes out but I want to do more than just show it in the way. I want to make you delight in my smiles more than tears.
87. Friendship can Bow a Mountain
Mountains bow before true friendship because there is always unique cooperation which mountains can’t contend or come in between with true friendship – it is called transparency; we can always see through each other.
88. Our Togetherness is Inevitable
We have our differences but our differences can’t bring about distancing ourselves because our togetherness is more valuable than our differences.
89. Your Image Dwells in My Heart
I told an artist to craft a picture that will depict real and true friendship. Luckily, he crafted your image in my heart.
90. I Want to Share Life with You
If life can be shared, then I want to be shared with you because you are so real and sincere, you are a treasure immeasurable.
91. Friendship Possesses Valuable Prizes
Diamond has its place, refined gold dwells in wealth, and valuable friendship possesses valuable prizes.
92. I Trust You
You have built a mansion of trust in me with your sincerity, I value your serenity which has brought about a great understanding between us.
93. You are Immeasurably Valuable
Tell me to call forth a woman of virtue and I will call you forth, tell me to make a shout-out to my most treasured friend and I won’t think twice because you are immeasurably valuable. You are such a blessing to me and I am thankful to have you in my life.
This is an amazing job, keep it up. More Grace to do exploits.